
Kitties Of Whiskerwood

Created by Walnut And Clam

A hard enamel series featuring the cute cats of Whiskerwood.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Freebie Sketching Kitty Pin Update
4 months ago – Thu, May 09, 2024 at 02:51:52 PM

Hello everyone!

I just want to give you a quick update on the freebie sketching kitty pin that hasn't been showing up on backers' pledges. Here I am specifically referring to those backers who backed for three or more Kitties of Whiskewood pins during the campaign using either the one pin tier or the sticker pack tier. I have just finished adding the freebie sketching kitty pin to all those pledges! Please let me know if you are still not seeing it in your pledge, or if there are any other problems. 

Catherine @WalnutAndClam

A Few Issues With The Backer's Survey
4 months ago – Mon, May 06, 2024 at 05:43:44 PM

Hello everyone!

Thank you so much for everyone who already submitted or have attempted to fill out the backer's survey. Many of you might have experienced issues with selecting the kitty pins they want last Saturday, a few hours after I sent out the surveys to everyone. The issue was due to an error on my end, where the maximum number of pins available for each designs were set at 20 pieces max. When the maximum has reached after many of you have submitted your surveys, the system made all the pins unavailable as it thought the pins were out of stock! Thank you so much for everyone who have reached out and let me know that there was an issue, thus I was able to have it fixed as soon as I can. I have now set the maximum quantity of the Kitties of Whiskewood pins to infinite, so there shouldn't be anymore problem with selecting any of those designs you want. I am really sorry for the inconvenience this has caused, and thank you so much for all your patience while I tried to figure out what went wrong. If you have attempted to filled out the survey last Saturday and decided to put it aside due to this error, you can now go back in and finish your survey~

Next, a few of you have reached out asking about the freebie sketching kitty pin as it was not showing on your pledge. Just to clarify, the freebie sketching pin is only available for all the backers who have pledged for three or more pins during the campaign. This means that if you added-on more Kitties of Whiskerwood pins in the pledge manager after the campaign ended, you will not get the sketching kitty pin as a freebie. As for the sketching kitty pin not showing on your pledge, I am working with backerkit to see how I can have this resolved. Backerkit's support team is very helpful, and they told me there is a way that I can do that on my end. So no worries about having to manually add it on yourself. I will send out another update about this once I have it figured out. Thank you so much for all your patience!

Lastly, I got a request to make the individual stickers of the Kitties of Whiskerwood available in the pledge manager. I went ahead and made it available, so if that is something you are interested in, you can now go and get them! Just a quick note, when I am about to place an order with my manufacturer (sometime by the middle to end of May), I will be removing all the Kitties of Whiskerwood pins and stickers from the pledge manager, as I need to make sure I order enough items for everyone. So, if you haven't filled out your survey yet, please do so as soon as possible so that you can grab those add-ons if needed, and your prompt response is also highly appreciated as it will help me determine how many items I need to order. 

Sorry for the long update, but that should cover everything! Thank you so much for your attention. Please feel free to reach out if you have any other questions or concerns. Have a wonderful day~
Catherine @WalnutAndClam 

Survey Has Been Sent!
4 months ago – Sat, May 04, 2024 at 02:35:48 PM

 Hello everyone!

Thanks again for supporting my backerkit campaign - Kitties Of Whiskerwood! I am so excited to let you know that backer's surveys have finally been sent! Please check your email for the link to the survey, and kindly have it filled out as soon as you can. It is extremely important to have those filled out so that I can get an estimate of how many items I need to order from my manufacturer. Thanks so much in advance! 

For those of you who are interested in the Kitties' Dream Home series, limited number for standard pins are now available in the pledge manager. I haven't listed those at my Etsy store store yet, so if you are interested in them, make sure you grab them before they are gone. I am also offering extra discount for the B grade pins from that series in the pledge manger! 

Finally, if youwho missed my campaign, you can get the Kitties of Whiskerwood pins at the backerkit price from my pre-order store for a limited time. The pre-order store will be opened from May 8th - 22nd!

Please let me know if you have any questions! Thank you so much!

Catherine @WalnutAndClam 

Campaign Successfully Funded!!
5 months ago – Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 03:02:41 PM

Hello everyone!

Thank you so so much for supporting my project - Kitties of Whiskerwood! I was completely blown away by the amount of support I received for this campaign! The number of backers for this project, and the amount raised are both the highest I have ever achieved since I started design pins. This would not be possible without your support. Thank you so much for being here!

Now that the campaign is over, your credit card will be (or have already been) charged for your rewards. If there is an error with your pledge, it is very important that you update your credit card information with backerkit as soon as you can. 

It usually takes around two weeks (beginning of May in our case) for backerkit to import all the backer's information into the pledge manager, and by then, I will start sending out the reward surveys. Please let me know if you have any questions. I will keep you updated if I think of anything. Otherwise, I will send out another update in the beginning of May after I send out the surveys, Thanks again for your support!


Catherine @WalntuAndClam  

Less than three days left!
5 months ago – Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 06:44:10 AM

Hello everyone!

There are less than three days left for this campaign! Thank you so much for everyone who has supported this project, including your likes and mentions on social media, shares with your friends and family, positive energies and vibes, and most importantly, your pledges! To all my amazing backers, please take some time to check your pledges, to make sure you got everything you are looking for~

Also, a friendly reminder for all backers who have selected the 9 pins pledge level, if you would like to get all 11 pins (not including the collab pin) from this campaign, make sure you add-on one extra pin to account for the new stretch goal I added to the campaign. You will only need to add one more pin, as one of the two newly added pins (sketching kitty) is going to be a freebie for the 9 pins pledge level. Lastly, if you would like to get the collab pin (mushroom foraging freebie pin), you will also need to support Amber & Moss's project (any physical tier).

Thank you so much~

Catherine @WalnutAndClam